Name : Mohammad Masud Khan Date of Birth : 1913 A.D. Place of Birth : Rangoon , Burma. Education : M.B.B.S . : Rangoon Medical College -1939. Profession: Practicing Physician and Medical Practitioner . Duties & Responsibilities : Just after Graduation joined the Burmese Army Medical corps as a 2nd Lieutenant .As Burma was then a British Colony and the Second war had been just declared . His services were immediately requisitioned for active war service and he was promptly dispatched to the battle front in the border areas with Thailand in the Northwest of Burma .The British army was then retreating and in a hurry the British force personnel would always get first priority for transport etc. The native officers and personnel were left behind to hold the fort. In so doing Dr. Masud was captured by the advancing Japanese armed forces but however due the grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and the cleverness of his Vat man ALI Hossain he spent only one single day as a prisoner of war in the Japanese Camps. The subsequent few days were a story of hot pursuit by the Japanese until he reached British Army Camp. Since he had lost his original army unit he was transferred to the Indian Army 14 th. Division at that posted there but were soon to be sent back to Hoshiarpur Cantt. In East Punjab in India. While still in active service at the front line he met one 2nd lieutenant Muhammad Ayub Khan of this who later become President of Pakistan in 1958. Incidentally at the end of the war 1945 Dr. Masud Khan was daubed as a Major. Ayub Khan too was a Major. The Burmese then wanted to retain him their country and offered him the rank of Brigadier General but he decided to quit military service and started practicing privately in Theater Road area of Calcutta . After partition he started private practice in Chittagong. Extra Curricular Activities : Reading & keeping Abreast with Medical advances. Family : Wife : Amena Qureshi, House Wife , Died in 2006 . Children : Gulnar Masuda Khanum , Muhammad Shahed Khan , Muhammad Hamed Khan Additional Information : Died in : 13 August , 1978. He was a posthumous Child. |
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