Dewan Mujibur Rahman Managing Director of Mercantile Bank Ltd. that is one of the famous private bank in Bangladesh. Formerly he was the Managing Director of Kormashangsthan Bank- Careerist banker, Dewan Mujibur Rahman has already established himself as an enlightened banker through his 34 years of experience, has become possible due to his sharp merit, wisdom introspective and dynamic leadership quality. He has succeeded in creating an example of institutional success through his experience , skill , vision and Mission . Dewan Mujibur Rahman , very meritorious from his childhood, was born in 7 January 1954, in an aristocratic family of Hobinganj. He obtained his S.S.C & H.S.C. certificate from Comilla Board in 1968 & 1970 respectively and B.Corn. degree under Dhaka University in 1973 with distinction, lie obtained his MBA degree in 1975 from IBA, Dhaka University, he was employed in Agrani Bank as a Senior Officer in 1976 alter completing his successful educational life. He promoted to the post of Principal Officer in 1979 and got opportunity to gather experience in field level banking as a Second Officer in Rampura (TV) Branch in Dhaka. He Was promoted to Senior Principal Officer in 1985. Assistant General Manager in 1989 and Deputy General Manager in 1994. He experienced and skilled himself in foreign banking as a Deputy General Manager of foreign exchange corporate branch, In 1997, he was given the responsibility of Departmental Head of International Division of Head Office. Successful Banker- Mr. Rahman promoted to General Manager in 1999 and Later he joined in Basic Bank Ltd. He Joined in Janata Bank as a Deputy Managing Director (DMD) in April 2003; it was the recognition of his successful carrier. In September, 2004 he-who started his banking carrier as a Senior Officer of Agrani Bank in September 1976, promoted to the post of Managing Director, the top marked position of banking sector and got the responsibility of Kormoshanghstan Bank. Total branch of Karmashanghsthan Bank are 92 including District head quarters and 28 Upzilla Head quarters also. He has contributed to the national economy through the Bank established for the employment of the youth of the country, A Successful Banker Mr,Rahman has got opportunity to serve almost all divisions of the bank. He also worked as Branch Manager and Regional Manager. As a result, it has become easier for him to perform the responsibility of the Managing Director. He has gained much competence through the training at home and abroad. He has participated in seminars and workshop on banking affairs in various countries including Singapore. Dubai, Hongkong, India and USA. Besides, he has visited china and Thailand. He is concerned with various professional Associations. He is the life member of Bangladesh economic Association- IBA Alumni Association and Bangladesh Economic Society. A Modern Banker. Dewan Mujibur Rahman is vastly experienced and pioneer of foreign exchange banking, the most important sector of the country. He also earned vast experience in micro-credit affairs when he was in Basic Bank Ltd. Mr.Rahman, a renowned banking personality is a socially conscious and promising person – who is heading towards the continuous success of Mercantile Bank Ltd. with his skill and proper care.
Syed AnsuI Huq was born on January '07, 1944 at Bolairgrum, Kishoregorij, Bangladesh. He has had his schooling in the U.S.A. Having been graduated himself from Burnbank school. California, U.S.A, he came back to his native land and obtained degree in Bachelor of Commerce from Dhaka University, Popularly known as the Oxford of the East. After completion of education, he preferred to be a Banker and thus had joined one of the leading bank ofthe-then Pakistan as a covenanted officer. A gifted genius as he is had not taken much time to become the manager of a grade-I branch of the bank in Dhaka city. It is very rare to earn such distinction in such a short time. Because of his inherent qualities of head and heart, knowledge and skill acquired, moral and ethical values demonstrated, he became the Asstt. General Manager of the Bank. Mr. Huq took a hold step to join a private Bank of first generation in Bangladesh named Arab-Bangladesh Bank Ltd. Here, too, he demonstrated his ability in Bank Management and earned the coveted post of Vice-president and then the post of Senior Vice-president just within two years. By the very meaning of his name, the 'bestest of the best' in upholding truth and justice, moral and ethical values, he earned name and fame for outstanding performances of Bank Executive, and became the Executive Vice-president of the Bank. He was honoured as "Banker of the year, 1989", introduced by Arab-Bangladesh Bank. Achievements of this kind in such a short time are seldom to be seen in the Banking arena. His glory and fame spread far and wide like fragrance of a sweet rose. He is the only Banker in Bangladesh who rose to the highest pirmacle of glory to adorn the post of the Managing Director of 2nd generation of private Bank named South-East Bank Ltd. In a very short time, the Bank made spectacular growth and development under his outstanding leadership and ability of performance. Mr. Huq popularly known as the "LUNARIA BEINIS" of Bangladesh got an invitation from Bank Asia Ltd. to become the CEO and President of the Bank which he gladly accepted. Acquisition of Nova Scotia Bank of Canada and Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan under his leadership will remain as a mile-stone in the history of Banking in Bangladesh. Mr. Huq is a widely travelled man, He had been to the U.S.A, UK, Germany, Thailand and other European and Asian countries in pursuit of acumens of knowledge and skill in banking and also to participate in seminar & Symposia. His speech at the Royal palace of Sultan of Abu Dhabi, Al-Nahayaen will standout singularly as unique because of its poetic eloquence. He is closely associated with number of sports and cultural organisation ofthe country like Table tennis federation, Lions club etc. Syed Anisul Huq is married and has been blessed with one son and two daughters, His wife is a jurist. His father, Syed Habibul Huq was a pious man and dedicated social worker. Like his illustrious father, who was wakf commissioner of the-then East Pakistan, Mr. Anisul Huq posses all the qualities of head and heart with milk of humane kindness and moral values. His exemplary professional qualities that he has set for the future progeny in Banking will remain as foot-prints in the sands of time. |
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